Resident evil 4 separate ways maps
Resident evil 4 separate ways maps

A number of questions are still left tantalizingly unanswered by Separate Ways - enough that you almost wonder why Capcom went to the trouble of creating such a colossal new addition (to a game already stuffed with gameplay) for this PS2 release of the game, all just to tease and leave you again wanting more. The new chapters even include one vast environment entirely new to the game to compliment the familiar ground that most of the side-story runs across as Ada and Leon's stories crisscross in their own paticular ways.

resident evil 4 separate ways maps

Gameplay and weapon load-out are complete, and Ada has a few moves of her own that add to her character in ways not seen in Assignment Ada. Capcom has recorded new dialog and created new FMV and game-engine cinematics to deliver a complete new chapter to tell this missing section of the tale.

resident evil 4 separate ways maps

Unlike the added Assignment Ada mini-sequence, these new chapters, titled Separate Ways, are full gaming experiences rather than bonus challenges.

Resident evil 4 separate ways maps