This explains why sometimes, on the Coach website, you might see for example a Rogue 25 where the hangtags are attached to the front of the bag, but when you receive the bag, they are actually attached to the handle as usual. They could be made for testing out new designs and features but more importantly, they are created for press campaigns for new collections and for product photoshoots. Now, you might wonder why they make these sample bags, and there could be several reasons for this. So, owning a sample bag can mean that you have something very special and a bit more unique from what everyone else gets to have. This means that you can have a bag that is a familiar model but stands out by having extra features, different colors or other special details and that were produced in very limited numbers. This means that it is an early example of a bag that you could also find in the retail store at some point, which doesn’t make it particularly special unless you value having one of the first ones made.Ģ: Others are samples of models that ended up never being put into production for the stores, meaning there are a very limited number of that model in existence, giving you the opportunity to have something very special if you are lucky enough to find one.ģ: Finally, a sample bag can be a sample of a model that did go into production for the store but where there were slight changes or additions made to the design in the time between the production of the samples and the production of the actual retail bags for the stores. I’m going to answer all of these questions for you! Keep reading to find out what makes these special and what the upsides and downsides to buying and owning them are.Ĭoach sample bags can be one of 3 things.ġ: Some are samples made of a model before it went into production for the stores. How do you know if you have one, or if a bag you are considering buying is one?.A lot of people have a lot of questions regarding these bags such as: "are they actually real, genuine Coach bags?" And the short answer is YES.